Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How a Gypsy Changed my Life

Building the Aquaman Cube Dude was relatively easy. Cut a few pieces from the Batman pattern, a lot of pieces from the Superman pattern, and use orange and green paper, and VIOLA! Your very own Aquaman! Ok, for someone as talented as Bill he makes it look easy, but in reality it's difficult to think outside the box to see the potential, instead of just the pattern. And that's where Bill excels.

So for Christmas of 2010, he got a Gypsy to go with the paper cutting machine.

A Gypsy

The Gypsy allows him to take the existing pattern, and twist it, and mix it, and use only bits and pieces of it, and work some amazing magic with it. At least to almost everyone else it seems like magic. Online discussion forums about crafting often have people bemoaning how with the Cricut and the Gypsy, you are limited to the patterns provided in the cartridges. Bill refuses to be limited by those patterns, so has taken his portable design studio to lengths no one else has ever heard of.

And so, Black Manta was born. Yes, it's a relatively simple looking Cube Dude, but considering the entire Dude was custom designed and built by mixing and matching parts and pieces of an assortment of pre-existing patterns, it's pretty impressive.
Black Manta: the first Cube Dude customized with a Gypsy

Once the mechanics of the Gypsy were figured out, there was no stopping Bill. Check out the PROTOTYPES page for all of the characters which have been Cubed so far!

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